Gun Detection Solution
Patented Gun Detection system.
Enhance safety and security.
Peace of mind for staff, students, and parents.
Improve emergency preparedness.
Enhance school safety with threatvision.ai
threatvision.ai is an advanced patented solution for gun detection, weapon detection, and threat detection. As school safety becomes an increasingly pressing issue, threatvision.ai provides a powerful school safety solution for detecting guns and weapons using existing cameras.
Our patented AI technology can instantly detect the presence of weapons such as guns on your school premises and send an immediate alert to school security personnel for fast response. With threatvision.ai, you can provide your students, staff, and parents with peace of mind, knowing that your school is taking proactive measures to prevent gun violence and improve school safety.
Scenario: If threatvision.ai was deployed at the Nashville school, it could have detected the weapon in near-real-time and notified. This is an actual cctv footage on which we ran the threatvision.ai model. Patented holistic threat detection and gun detection technology.
Active Shooter
Weapon detection & Gun detection in real-time.
Patented Technology
Breakthrough Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.
Real-time View
Coordinate response in real-time as situation unfolds.
Additional Safety
Peace of mind for educators, staff, & students.
Detect risks & threats
Holistic threat & gun detection.
Your video stream is private and you are in control.
Existing Cameras
Works with existing camera system.
Instant notification
Get instant text message with photo and threat details.
Low monthly cost
Annual and monthly subscription plan.